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Load Models from PVC

You can store your models in a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) and let KubeAI use them for serving. Both vLLM and Ollama engines support loading models from PVCs.

You must ensure the model files are already present in the PVC before creating the Model resource. Alternatively you can use KubeAI's native caching mechanism which downloads the model for you:


For vLLM, use the following URL format:

url: pvc://$PVC_NAME          # Loads the model from the PVC named $PVC_NAME
url: pvc://$PVC_NAME/$PATH    # Loads from a specific path within the PVC

PVC requirements

vLLM supports both ReadWriteMany and ReadOnlyMany access modes. Many is used in order to support more than 1 vLLM replica.


For Ollama, use the following URL formats:

url: pvc://$PVC_NAME?model=$MODEL_NAME    # Loads the model named $MODEL_NAME that's loaded on the disk
url: pvc://$PVC_NAME/$PATH?model=$MODEL_NAME

PVC Requirements

Ollama requires using ReadWriteMany access mode because the rename operation ollama cp needs to write to the PVC.

Example: Loading Qwen 0.5b from PVC

  1. Create a PVC with ReadWriteMany named model-pvc. See example.
  2. Create a K8s Job to load the model onto `model-pvc. See example

    The PVC should now have a blobs/ and manifests/ directory after the loader completes.

  3. Create a Model to load from PVC:

url: pvc://model-pvc?model=qwen:0.5b