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Cache models with GCP Filestore

KubeAI can manage model caches. GCP Filestore is supported as a pluggable backend store.

Follow the GKE install guide.

Ensure that the Filestore API is enabled.

gcloud services enable

Apply a Model with the cache profile set to standard-filestore (defined in the reference GKE Helm values file).

TIP: If you want to use `premium-filestore` you will need to ensure you have quota.

Open the cloud console quotas page: Make sure your project is selected in the top left.

Ensure that you have at least 2.5Tb of PremiumStorageGbPerRegion quota in the region where your cluster is deployed.

Premium Storage Quota Screenshot

NOTE: If you already installed the models chart, you will need to edit you values file and run helm upgrade.

helm install kubeai-models kubeai/models -f - <<EOF
    enabled: true
    cacheProfile: standard-filestore

Wait for the Model to be fully cached. This may take a while if the Filestore instance needs to be created.

kubectl wait --timeout 10m --for=jsonpath='{.status.cache.loaded}'=true model/llama-3.1-8b-instruct-fp8-l4

This model will now be loaded from Filestore when it is served.


Filestore CSI Driver

Ensure that the Filestore CSI driver is enabled by checking for the existance of Kubernetes storage classes. If they are not found, follow the GCP guide for enabling the CSI driver.

kubectl get storageclass standard-rwx premium-rwx


Check the PersistentVolumeClaim (that should be created by KubeAI).

kubectl describe pvc shared-model-cache-
Example: Out-of-quota error
  Warning  ProvisioningFailed    11m (x26 over 21m)  failed to provision volume with StorageClass "premium-rwx": rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = googleapi: Error 429: Quota limit 'PremiumStorageGbPerRegion' has been exceeded. Limit: 0 in region us-central1.
    "@type": "",
    "violations": [
        "description": "Quota 'PremiumStorageGbPerRegion' exhausted. Limit 0 in region us-central1",
        "subject": "project:819220466562"

Check to see if the PersistentVolume has been fully provisioned.

kubectl get pv
# Find name of corresponding pv...
kubectl describe pv <name>

Model Loading Job

Check to see if there is an ongoing model loader Job.

kubectl get jobs