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Architect for Multitenancy

KubeAI can support multitenancy by filtering the models that it serves via Kubernetes label selectors. These label selectors can be applied when accessing any of the OpenAI-compatible endpoints through the X-Label-Selector HTTP header and will match on labels specified on the kind: Model objects. The pattern is similar to using a WHERE clause in a SQL query.

Example Models:

kind: Model
  name: llama-3.2
    tenancy: public
# ...
kind: Model
  name: custom-private-model
    tenancy: org-abc
# ...

Example HTTP requests:

# The returned list of models will be filtered.
curl http://$KUBEAI_ENDPOINT/openai/v1/models \
    -H "X-Label-Selector: tenancy in (org-abc, public)"

# When running inference, if the label selector does not match
# a 404 will be returned.
curl http://$KUBEAI_ENDPOINT/openai/v1/completions \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-Label-Selector: tenancy in (org-abc, public)" \
    -d '{"prompt": "Hi", "model": "llama-3.2"}'

The header value can be any valid Kubernetes label selector. Some examples include:

X-Label-Selector: tenancy=org-abc
X-Label-Selector: tenancy in (org-abc, public)
X-Label-Selector: tenancy!=private

Multiple X-Label-Selector headers can be specified in the same HTTP request and will be treated as a logical AND. For example, the following request will only match Models that have a label tenant: org-abc and user: sam:

curl http://$KUBEAI_ENDPOINT/openai/v1/completions \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-Label-Selector: tenant=org-abc" \
    -H "X-Label-Selector: user=sam" \
    -d '{"prompt": "Hi", "model": "llama-3.2"}'

Example architecture:
