Development environment¶
This document provides instructions for setting up an environment for developing KubeAI.
Optional: Cloud Setup¶
GCP PubSub¶
If you are develop PubSub messaging integration on GCP, setup test topics and subscriptions and uncomment the .messaging.streams
in ./hack/dev-config.yaml
gcloud auth login --update-adc
gcloud pubsub topics create test-kubeai-requests
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create test-kubeai-requests-sub --topic test-kubeai-requests
gcloud pubsub topics create test-kubeai-responses
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create test-kubeai-responses-sub --topic test-kubeai-responses
Run in Local Cluster¶
kind create cluster
# OR
# Generate CRDs from Go code.
make generate && make manifests
# When CRDs are changed reapply using kubectl:
kubectl apply -f ./charts/kubeai/templates/crds
# Model with special address annotations:
kubectl apply -f ./hack/dev-models/kind-cpu.yaml
# Run KubeAI inside cluster
# Change `-f` based on the cluster environment.
helm upgrade --install kubeai ./charts/kubeai \
--set open-webui.enabled=true \
--set image.tag=latest \
--set image.pullPolicy=Always \
--set \
--set secrets.huggingface.token=$HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN \
--set replicaCount=1 -f ./hack/dev-gke-helm-values.yaml
# For quick local interation (run KubeAI outside of cluster)
kubectl create cm kubeai-autoscaler-state -oyaml --dry-run=client | kubectl apply -f -
CONFIG_PATH=./hack/dev-configs/kind.yaml POD_NAMESPACE=default go run ./cmd/main.go
# In another terminal:
while true; do kubectl port-forward service/dev-model 7000:7000; done
Completions API¶
# If you are running kubeai in-cluster:
# kubectl port-forward svc/kubeai 8000:80
curl http://localhost:8000/openai/v1/completions -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"prompt": "Hi", "model": "dev"}' -v
Messaging Integration¶
gcloud pubsub topics publish test-kubeai-requests \
--message='{"path":"/v1/completions", "metadata":{"a":"b"}, "body": {"model": "dev", "prompt": "hi"}}'
gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull test-kubeai-responses-sub --auto-ack